Wednesday, April 20, 2011

YouTube: Such a Common Word These Day

Justin Bieber and Leona Lewis, does these names sound familiar? Without their many videos posted on YouTube, these stars would not be where they are today. In the last five years, YouTube has taken a huge plunge and has become one of the most used websites. For many stars and singers, YouTube is what started their career. For example, Justin Bieber was an ordinary boy that had this hidden singing talent, and he had posted videos online. Before you knew it, he was this young pop star all because of his YouTube videos.

Since YouTube was established in 2005, YouTube has been one of the most well-known and popular websites everyone uses to search and watch videos. People all over the world use this website to post videos of anything and everything, such as music videos, how to videos, and even videos of violence. One of the biggest issues YouTube has had to deal with is teenagers and even adults posting violent videos. People post fights and profanity that can be and are offensive. This has put many effects on society and caused a huge stir in society. One story that made the news was a group a teen girls that planned to beat up a girl just so they could post it on YouTube and see all the views they could get. Incidents like these are not the reason YouTube was established, but a fun and a convenient site to watch your favorite videos.

While checking your email or even when your on Facebook, you usually will see a link to a YouTube video or a friend that has sent you a link to a video. YouTube has become such a common source and most people use it so casually. They get sent a link, so they go and watch the video.

One of the main reasons I think YouTube has become so popular is the convenience and how easy it is to post a video. You are able to sign up for a free account, then anyone can download a video. Singers have taken huge advantage of this site to post videos. If you have ever looked, some music videos have over a million views and thousands of comments. YouTube is a fascinating website that everyone uses and is the new medium of video entertainment.

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