


are great brands when it comes to electronics. These are the things that we trust, that we feel will not fail us in the long run the better the brands the more us we get. Well I’m here to let you know that sometimes just having a good brand name is not enough are having the newer product.
Okay about a two years ago me and my soon to be husband moved in together, he had this old 1980’s Orion Television and I had a 1999 Phillips Magnavox
(My fiance's TV on left and My TV on the right)

Well this particular day there was a thunder storm roaring outside and we decided to watch a movie and thunder stuck the building that we were staying in and all the power in the apartment went off everything came back on within about 30 minutes even my fiancĂ©’s 1980’s Orion T.V. My Phillip’s Magnavox on the other hand never regained any type or form of life. Orion, before I meet my fiancĂ© was not a brand that I had ever heard of before and I did think that Phillips was a better brand and thought I had the better Television but in the long run through any weather the Orion which would have also been consider a dinosaur compared to the Phillips out lived the younger TV and is still alive to this day. The only problem that we have now is that the sound comes and goes as it pleases. I guess it was built to last.
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