Thursday, April 7, 2011

How Blackboard Helps College Student

When I first started college I had never heard of blackboard or anything related to it. I first heard of blackboard on the first day attending my History 105 course. We were reading the class syllabus and the professor said that our grades and homework assignments would be posted on blackboard. She went on to explain what it was and I thought to myself how it could be very helpful to me and other students who are attending college. Blackboard is a tool that allows faculty to add resources for students to access online. One way blackboard is helpful because it allows the teachers to put up notes and power points that we may need or may have missed out in a class session. I am currently enrolled in Microbiology at the time and before class my professor has all of the power points that we will go over in class this semester. I find this helpful because it gives me the chance to download the power points to my computer so I can actually keep up in class and view the power points from my own computer so I will not have to struggle with my eyes trying them from the back of the class. Blackboard is also helpful because it allows you to view the names of everybody in your class that you may not know. I remember the time when I was stressing because I had missed one of my classes and I did not have the notes from that day. I was aware that the something in those notes was going to be on the final. My room mate told me that I could go to blackboard and find the class role and email all the students in the class and ask them to email me the notes. I was thankful for blackboard at that moment in time. After taking a test, I am very anxious to see my grade. I do not like waiting until the next class sessions just to see what I made in class. A majority of my professors use scan trons which makes it easier and faster to grade which means they can post the grades on blackboard the same day. If I want to know what is going on in a future class session all I have to do is check the announcements which is another useful source on blackboard. I am not the most responsible human being in the world. I lose mostly everything I own. If a teacher hands us a study guide or extra credit project, by the next day I will not know where I put it. This is where Blackboard comes in handy again. I can go to blackboard, click on the course I need this particular study guide or other item and print another one off. Blackboard is a good way of keeping me organized and stress free. The teachers put mostly everything I need on Blackboard and this is helpful because I am more prepared when I go to class and I know what to do when i get there. If blackboard did not exist, I would be one lost soul.

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