Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Endless Capabilities of Cellular/Smart Phones

The cellular phone has been evolving for many years now. First the only function of the cellular phone was the ability to talk to others. Then text messaging came along. Everyone was excited when text messaging came along because it was another way of communication without actually talking on the phone or seeing that person. Text messaging was a sure way to run up the phone bill. This was before they created unlimited text messaging plans. I bet everyone had the first Nokia phone that had the world famous game “snake”.  Then the next new feature on cell phones was internet capabilities. Everyone I knew would go on the internet on their phone and use all of their “pre-paid minutes” to purchase ringtones.                 
Even after cell phones started to gain internet capabilities, cell phones have tremendously evolved. Now most phones are referred to as “smartphones”. Some people rely heavily on their cell phones. There is so much you can do with your phone now. Phones have so many functions now. They act as computers, MP3 players, cameras, storage devices, alarms, etc. When I had my HTC Tilt 2 from ATT, my phone had a lot of software such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and Adobe. Even now there are numerous applications and softwares that can be added to smart phones. Smart phones now allow us to be updated with our social media such as Twitter and Facebook. Smart phones even replace simple things such as alarm clocks and radios, things that probably don’t even matter to us anymore since we can access what we need through our phones. Cell phones have become the all-in-one device for most of our media devices (MP3s, alarm clocks, radios, computers, etc.). The functions of cell phones are still becoming more extensive. Now you can control you television with your phone. I don’t how many and which phones have this application but I know that it is available for the iPhone 4. Now you can tweet and change the channel at the same time. Some phones now can be programmed to start your car (again I don’t know which phones and cars support this function. I also saw that on a previous blog on The Rebel Report that there is even a Playstation Phone! Most phones are used for gaming now.  According to one commercial, you don’t not have to be anywhere around the car to start because on the commercial the women was on a plane and her husband was in their driveway. I find this very interesting. You can even register your phone on the computer and track it if it is lost or stolen.
Phone technology has come a long way. From land lines to wireless, the phone will continue to become “smarter” and faster. New features are created everyday to be enjoyed by us users. Who knows what smart phones will be able to do next? Maybe control the lights or set the alarm in your house? Or you may be able to turn on other appliances, such as the fireplace or the shower, with just one touch on your phone.  There are numerous things that we could think to do with our phones.  Starting off only as a device we could only talk and possibly text on, smartphones have become a major part of our society today.

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