Sunday, April 10, 2011

Having One Of Those Days? Blog About It.

Have you ever been so frustrated with someone or something and wanted to express your feelings about it, but did not want to be the person who complained about everything on your Facebook or Twitter? Well I was that person after one of the girls in my sorority broke my nose two weeks ago while practicing for derby days. I was so mad and did not feel any better after calling my mom and talking to her about it for an hour. I knew my president was my friend on Facebook and followed me on Twitter so I could not put anything about my sister on either one of those accounts. So as I was thinking about my blog topic, I stumbled across Tumblr. Which for those of you who live under a social network rock and don’t know what Tumblr is, click here . I realized, duh Sloan you can obviously blog about it and you won’t get in trouble about it, because 99.9% of your sorority will not think to look on a blog.

As soon as I finished registering online, I started reading other people’s blogs and was instantly hooked. Tumblr is unlike any Social Network I use. Facebook is full of kids and people I graduated high school with. I really don’t want those people to read about my thoughts. I also found that there are so many ways to use Tumblr. According to the Tumblr website “The average Tumblr user creates 14 original posts each month, and reblogs 3. Half of those posts are photos. The rest are split between text, links, quotes, music, and video.” Which in my opinion is awesome, because you can read other people's blogs that are interested in the same things as you are. Also if you stumble across a blog that is extremely boring to you, you don’t have to read it.

When you create your profile, you have so many options of themes to choose from. Also, if you are unlike me and are very creative and artistic you can create an original theme. I unfortunately have a very hard time drawing so I chose one that was pre-made. Unlike Facebook and Twitter you can have your own domain name so that if your friends who don’t have Tumblr want to read your blogs, you can send them the link to your Tumblr page by using your domain name. I made mine easy so that it wasn’t hard for my not so smart friends to find me ( My favorite part of Tumblr is that there is an app for that,duh. I just bought an Iphone three weeks ago and it never leaves my hands so having a Tumblr app makes it really easy to update my blog. So when I’m sitting in class and my teacher says something that I don’t agree with or when they say something funny, I can obviously update it to Facebook, Twitter and now Tumblr. I also forgot to mention something that I feel like everyone would like about Tumblr, whether you live under a rock or you are president of ASB, Tumblr is free. You don’t pay for storage, bandwidth or even the advance features like the full theme source codes and group blogs. Next time you are having one of those days where you just need to let it all out, blog about it.

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