Monday, April 4, 2011

We Luv 2 Text!

Texting has become one of the most popular forms of communication. It is fast, easy, and convenient and has destroyed our use of the common English language. Texting has made us very lazy, and it is the new tool for starting and ending relationships. Texting has strongly affected our current generation and will affect future generations. Texting has come in the way of our ability to communicate and taken away hand-written letters.

Another huge impact texting has had on society is the new law that has been passed in many states saying it is illegal to text and drive. If a police officer pulled you over, he could write you a ticket for texting while driving. This is because of the increase number of wrecks that have happened caused by distraction while using your phone. I think we can all admit that while driving, we have picked up the phone and sent a text. Texting has become a second nature for us, and people today rely heavily on this form of communication.

Texting has become the easy way out for everything. I for one, know that when I really want something from someone instead of simply asking in person, or calling him or her I send a simple text message. Not having to come up with courage to ask someone face to face makes things much less painful. It is also much easier to say no to someone when they text you. For example, I had someone text me about taking a shift at work last year and it was much easier to say no through a text then it was when they asked me in person. This form of communication has made it easier to deal with awkward situations.

Also, as busy as our society has come, it is much easier to send a text here and there while you are running errands or even driving like I discussed earlier. When you call someone whom you have not talked to in awhile it seems like your conversation could go on for hours. When sending a text, you respond when it is convenient for you. 

Texting has become even more popular since the release of the Apple IPHONE. This device opened up a whole new generation to texting for not only teenagers but adults as well. This device has a full keyboard, which is much easier to understand than the old ABC format. Parents have now realized it is much easier to keep up with your children via IPHONE. Not only does this device text, but it gives you three ways to communicate: texting, email, and the new upcoming source of communication, Facetime. 

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