I am a satisfied At&t, Apple iPhone user. I have owned the 1st generation iPhone and now own the iPhone 3GS, so I've been an iPhone user since the beginning. I have many reasons why I enjoy using an iPhone, but I am going to list only ten.
1. I am a multi-tasker, and the iPhone allows me to multi-task efficiently.
2. I can listen to my iTunes account without carrying both an iPod and an iPhone.
3. I can take pictures and record videos without needing a digital camera.
4. I can access or view my e-mail from various accounts on the go.
5. I can shop online safely in the palm of my hand.
6. I can use apps to help me stay up to speed as well as be organized.
7. I can customize and organize my homepage to fit my liking.
8. iPhone cases and covers are available almost everywhere, so my phone stays cute and protected.
9. I can talk and text at the same time when I want to, so that way everyone is happy.
10. My information stays synced with my Windows Photo Gallery,Windows Contacts, and Internet bookmarks and favorites.
I'm sure other iPhone users can add on to or agree with these ten reasons because there are so many things that one can do when he or she is an iPhone user.
Generation 1(iPhone 2G):

Generations 2 and 3 (iPhones 3G and 3GS):

Generation 4(iPhone 4):

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