Wednesday, April 20, 2011

YouTube: the social media god

The other day in my dorm I was hanging out on my Facebook and I came across a movie preview that I had been waiting for on someone’s wall. The movie had just released its first trailer only minutes before and I was no watching it on a friend’s wall, who does not go to school here, and a dozen other people had already “liked” it on her wall. So what did I do? I copy and pasted it to my wall and I got some views and credits for having good taste in movies. It’s not so much the movie that struck me, it was the fact that this video was literally on YouTube for about an hour and it was already on the movie’s fan page, and all over people’s walls.
Which leads me to my topic. Why is YouTube so mainstream (and by mainstream I mean why on earth is it A) so addictive, B) so widely used, and C) so full of useless and useful information)? Upon finding the movie trailer I craved my latest music obsession: Skinny Love by Bon Iver. It was found in less than thirty seconds, which is a plus and leads to YouTube addictions, and after about five times of listening to it I walked up to my friends room and we began watching “Drinking Out of Cups” (if you are not sure what that is, I am not going to explain it due to naughty language). The phenomenon of this video still has my friends saying to each other “Yeah Right Mr. Sea Horse” and “Not my chair, not my problem” so if you want something hilarious to watch, go watch that. The YouTube fascination gives kids our age something to look up to, because let’s be honest, the face that people are putting up videos of them dancing to Single Ladies in a leotard deserves some serious confidence points along with in-depth psycho-analysis.
Why do people use YouTube so much? Could it be to show all of their viewers how cool, funny, rhythmic, beautiful, or any other self-absorbing trait any human being posses? Yes, there are a few celebrities that made their way to stardom through YouTube but there are also those people who make their way to YouTube and are widely criticized (i.e. Rebecca Black’s “Friday”..I listened to it once and it gave me a migraine..and it was Friday. ) But bless that poor girls heart for standing up and deciding she wanted to be the next Justin Bieber, she shoots..she misses! Go back to school honey. I have seen videos of gangs, girl fights, drunken stammers..actually, anything relating to alcohol in general, dance routines, football plays, you name it, it exists on YouTube. Why is YouTube used so much? Well I have come to decide that the idiotic, beautiful, and thrilling videos people post all around the world give the people around ourselves something to relate with. My friend showed me a video of two old lovers, separated for 64 years and they reunite after their spouses die. We could not stop crying. My friend and I shared that moment of watching that man talk to the camera woman about how she “don’t know love” and we could not stop talking about it. So, in a nutshell, YouTube seems to help people relate to each other.
Finally, why is there so much stuff on YouTube? Well, it’s really simple. Because they can and because people want to watch inmates in another country dance to Thriller (perfectly, if I might add). People love to see people succeed and sadly, people love to watch people fail or embarrass themselves. People use YouTube to promote a cause, their fame, their company, anything. It’s the idea of promotion worldwide. They have different sections for entertainment, news and media, sports, sciences, and most viewed. YouTube is here to help people know more about our social world and it is helping us realize what else there is to expect in the years to come.

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