Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Top Three Worst Twitter App for an Iphone user

Hello, I 'm back once again. Today I'm going to tell you about the Twitter applications that are absolutely horrible. I have tried many applications for Twit
ter over the past few months. As I have before, I am addicted to Twitter. Therefore, I am pretty knowledgeable about the applications for Twitter.There we
re many applications as well as many applications that were horrible. As I mentioned in my previous blog, Echofon, Twitbird, and Hootsuite are the best applications for an Iphone for users. They simply have more to offer than many of these other applications. In this blog, I am going to list the Top Three Worst twitter applications for iPhones. Twitterrific tops the list as the number one WORST twitter application.

1) twitterrifficWhen I first began using this application, Immeaditely loved it. It was easy to navigate and it keep my tweets coming in on time. My impression of this application would shortly change. After about a week of using the application, I started noticing errors. The first thing that stood out to me was the fact that it would often forceclose whenever
I tried to tweet or mention someone. For those you who are not knowledgeable about Twitter, mentioning is when you reply or write another user. At first, it only did it occassionally but later, it started doing it often. Another problem with this application was that it used to completely kick me off of twitter. This was the ONLY application that has ever blocked me from using twitter. Not only could I not use that application but it blocked me from using other applications as well. I had to constantly uninstall and re-install this application just to get it to
function properly. I eventually got tired of it. That's when someone told me about Echonfon. The second Worst Twitter apllication would be Ubertwitter.

2) Ubertwitter
This application was horrible from the beginning. It was not easy to navigate at all. Uber
Twitter had the worst format ever. I could barely read down my timeline because of how horrible it looked. The font and the font color just was very helpful at all. I was constanly missing mentions and my followers tweets. There was only one this I like about this application : the mute feature. The mute feature just allows me to temporary silence someone. It was quite handy. However, Ubertwitter did not show all of my followers' tweets. It seemed like it only showed certain followers. That really bothered me. So, I did not keep this application very long. I think I uninstall it after two days of using it. I was absolutely not impressed with this a
pplication by any means. The 3rd WORST Twitter application would be the Twitter for Iphone application.

3)Twitter for Iphone Application.
This application is sponsored by Twitter. This application is okay but it has a few problems as well. When I first downloaded this application, I was pretty excited since it had the push notifications feature as well. However, I never received my notifications until hours after it had been posted. That made the whole push notification feature pretty pointless. Not only was this a problem but the application was constantly crashing. When I was using this application, I crashed at least 12 times. I was completely annoyed and to removed this application. This application was definitely one of the worst applications ever created for Twitter.

Thank you all for reading my blog, I hope it was very helpful to those of you how have Twitter and an Iphone.

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