Thursday, March 10, 2011

Add Don't Follow

How many time a day do you hear a sentence that started with “Well I was on Facebook and I..”? If you are a college student you hear this at least twenty times a day. If you are like me, you have had a Facebook ever since you were in high school. Not many times do you hear “Well I saw on Twitter..”. If you were to take a poll at this moment around the Ole Miss campus about which Social Network students would prefer, I would guarantee the majority of the students would pick Facebook. In my opinion the main reason I would chose Facebook over Twitter any day is for the multiple ways you can “stalk” your friends. On Facebook you can view your friend’s interests, favorite television shows, favorite music, their religious preferences, political preferences and where they are from. When you want to get to know someone better you would more than likely look at their Facebook page rather than their Twitter page, which only shows what that certain person is thinking or doing at that moment.

Twitter to me just is a bunch of people updating their status’s, which all of my friends already do on Facebook. The only upside to Twitter is that you can “follow” your favorite celebrities and get to find out what they are thinking and/or doing at that moment. Unlike Facebook, on Twitter there is no way to instantly “chat” with your friends that are online. The only way to communicate with them via Twitter is to “tweet” at them and hope they see it in time to respond. Also the only pictures of the person whose profile you want to look at is the pictures they have as their profile picture or the ones they choose to tweet at the moment. Twitter only allows you to upload one picture at a time, you can never have photo albums like you can on Facebook.

Another main reason that Facebook is better than Twitter is that on Facebook you can send messages to multiple times at once. In my sorority that is how we communicate to our chapter and get out important messages that need to be read immediately. We all know sorority girls are more likely to check their Facebook rather than their Ole Miss webmail.

I was on Twitter the other day, and I wanted to leave my roommate who is in Washington D.C. doing an internship this semester a video telling her that i miss her. I went on Caroline’s profile and searched for about ten minutes trying to find the upload video/picture button, but to my surprise there was not one. So I had to log off and log onto Facebook just to upload a video onto her profile. You would think that Twitter would want to competed with Facebook by having more options to choose from, but they do not. For people like me who like to know a lot about their friends, Facebook is the way to go. So don’t “follow” people just because it is cool at the moment, but keep “adding” to your profile on Facebook.

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