Thursday, April 21, 2011

Facebook Security Alert

Attention Facebook Securtiy Alert

Tip for New Facebook Settings

Why Are they Doing it?
So with all of the facebook security and privacy issues, you would wonder why would they just now be making these crucial privacy changes? The answer is that it took Zuckerbergs own facebook account to be hacked into by someone. It is funny that it takes a facebooks staff account to be hacked into to finally wake someone up. This post is served as a little reminder to reset your account settings in the privacy section. I personally love to check facebook a lot and have lots of times where I am I just check it out of pure boredom. I want to know that when I am getting on my computer to check facebook, hackers cannot interupt. Keeping a virus free computer is so crucial in maintaining a "healthy" computer. After you make these final and most needed changes...Happy Facebooking.

It turns out that facebook has reset their account settings. They just announced last wednesday that Facebook will be making changes to their server for the better. The facebook staff will be making changes that allow the user to more customize privacy settings and allow for more control over information. Although they are making these changes, it resets peoples privacy settings meaning you need to back in there and reset your settings. It explains that if you are on facebook to look up at the address bar. if you see http:// and not https/ that means that you operating with unsecure settings and need to change it immediately. Continuing to operate with the unsecure settings is opening yourself up for hackers and viral damage to your pc. It astonnishes me how many people go through the timelife of their computers with no security or firewalls or anythings. They are not realizing that the machine they are using has lots of

It will also allow for you to click the "recommended" tab that switches the privacy settings to the ones that facebook suggests

Whats the Point?
The point is that we need to protect ourselves as soon as possible.The point is that you need to go ahead and make a change to your facebook settings now. You heard it here first on The Rebel Report Blog
Look up and check to see if you are secure.
This post was lurking around facebook and I would highly suggest it :......

ATTENTION! FB has automatically set itself to the Non-Secure browsing! While on FB, look at your URL address (the very top box on your screen.) If you see "http:" instead of "https:" then you DO NOT have a secure session & can be hacked. Go to Account - Account Settings - Account Security - click Change. Check the box labeled "......Secure Browsing" - Click Save. Copy & Re-post!!

Keeping a virus free computer is crucial for top performance
get on it and be safe out there kids....
susceptibilities and all it takes to protect is a few simple programs and procedures to avoid. These computers we are using are for sure not cheap and we need to protect our expensive machines.

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