For years I, like many, was stuck in the never ending stranglehold that Blockbuster had on America. $3.99 to watch some crappy movie that the clerk thought might possibly be good! Are you kidding me? I'd rather dive headfirst into an empty pool. Add the fact that new releases were constantly sold out; I'm forced to watch option number ten, Step Up 2: The Streets. Hey! I'm already at the store. I have to rent something lest I look stupid for walking out empty handed. Don't even get me started on late fees. The topic is such a sore issue I'd probably end up breaking this site.
So, with every ounce of my being I can say, "I HATE BLOCKBUSTER!". The anxiety and stress was killing me. Enter Netflix.

At first I thought it was just a gimmick. Really? What halfwit wants to order movies through the mail and wait 3 days for it to arrive. I'd rather weather the storm and drive the 2 miles to that most unholy of unholy. But wait, are there really no late fees? I don't have to pay for another full rental because I got to the drop box 10 minutes late? I kind of like this, but it still isn't for me.
The instant stream cometh!
The day I created my Netflix account and turned on my Xbox 360 to stream movies might possible have been the greatest day of my life. Well... Okay, top five at least. Every season of Law and Order: SVU is now mine. Thank you instant queue! I could now watch such terrible, yet ohh so enjoyable terror flicks like Gingerdead Man (a Gary Busey classic if there ever was one), without feeling awkward at the checkout line. And best of all, it's practically free! The streaming service allowed me to become open to so many new genres and styles of movies. In the last two years I've probably seen more new movies than in the 20 years before combined. It's actually almost too much, because now all my friends think I'm some movie seeing machine. A title I'm beginning to like by the way.
So thank you Netflix. Thank you for opening my eyes. Thank you for saving my money. Thank you for giving me the strength to finally burn my Blockbuster card in fiery volcano; lets just hope it doesn't come back for revenge. Thank you for taking the pain and anxiety out of movie rental. And Finally, thank you for saving my life. Without you I'd probably be at Blockbuster right now banging my head against the wall waiting for someone to return 127 Hours, causing me irreversible brain damage.
Are you kidding? Step Up 2: The Streets rocks!