Thursday, March 31, 2011

How The N64 Revolutionized Gaming

Having later classes, I usually take my mornings and mid-afternoons pretty easy sitting on my couch, either playing MLB: The Show on my Playstation 3 or streaming Trailer Park Boys off Netflix. However my peace is quickly interrupted about after lunch by my friends barging in to play Super Smash Bros. on my Nintendo 64. Dutifully, I turn it on and everyone grabs a controller. Peace is replaced with a cartoonish fighting game and people swearing at each other. Also, waves of people come to my room to sit and wait out their turn to play.

After months of this I began to wonder how people in their mid-20s, a generation seeing technology get better and more compact everyday would still play something so, by sheer comparison, primitive. The Nintendo 64 was released September of 1996 in America, which was when our generation was in elementary school. Playing these games I’ve played ten years ago is still entertaining, although not as much when they came out.

The games I usually play today are Call of Duty: Black Ops, Madden and the aforementioned MLB: The Show on Playstation 3. But, now I think about how they’re replacements for Nintendo 64(N64) games like Goldeneye: 007, NFL: Blitz and Ken Griffey’s Major League Baseball. I see now the N64 is very revolutionary in itself after researching. And it’s interesting to see some of the elements being used today.

One key selling point in today’s gaming market is a video game’s multiplayer interactivity. With the advancement in technology, creating an enjoyable game in the N64 era that could be played with friends became more difficult. The N64 was able to handle games such titles that could provide a more than satisfactory multiplayer experience. NFL: Blitz, an overly macho football video game, was a game that me and my friends play to this day. Super Smash Bros. the cartoonish fighting game is another popular one. One of the most important of these multiplayer games was 007: Goldeneye. This was a first-person shooter game where the screen is what your character sees and the object is to shoot your enemy for various methods of winning. Its multiplayer divided the television screen into four screens for four characters to shoot each other. Today’s game market features countless first-person shooter games with online multiplayer capabilities where the player can play anyone in the world. It’s funny to think that the makers of those games were at one point in their dorms at college playing 007: Goldeneye.

The N64 was the first to feature an analog joystick that fit under the user’s thumb on the controller. This was the smoothest interface in a game console capable of three dimensional environments. N64’s analog stick was also capable of controllable sensitivity of the game specific actions the player would perform; to put it simply: ‘how far do I want to move my character to the left and how fast’? This remained dominant until Playstation came out with the Dual Analog controllers which, just as its name implies, featured an analog stick for both thumbs. The current generation of video game controllers feature multiple forms of sensitivity control ranging from trigger like buttons to the virtual movement of your own arms and legs. Gaming sure has come a long way in such little time.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bushnell GPS and Range Finder

Walking through the forest, rifle in hand, I stumbled upon a deer. With one swift movement, I mounted the gun on my shoulder, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger. Upon realizing that I had hit my mark, it occurred to me that I had no clue where I was and how I was going to get my trophy to my truck. This is where a GPS system could come in handy. Then, I had nothing but my memory to find my way home, but with the invention of various handheld GPS systems, I can easily navigate my way to any location during hunt and other activities.

The beauty of GPS systems is that they are handheld and you can take them virtually anywhere. There are many brand name companies that sell these de vices and they have endless uses. For example, Bushnell makes five different models, all ranging in prices and uses. These devices incorporate everything from a simple compass to built-in rangefinders and colored displays of the ground being traveled.

The most basic of GPS devices that Bushnell makes is the Backtrack. Although it is a very basic model, it has many uses for a relatively low price of $79.99. Simply point your device at a specific spot, either your car, your favorite hunting spot, or even your home, and never fret about finding it again. While it doesn’t do as much as some GPS devices, it gets the job done and Bushnell has done a good time at keeping the cost low. Contrary to this device, the Backtrack Pointer 5 gives the owner the ability to tell the time, temperature, store up to 5 locations, as well as gives the viewer a directional read of the latitude and longitude. With a price of $89.99, you get much more out of your money for purchasing this device over the original Backtrack.

For the frequent golfer, the Yardage Pro XGC will give an accurate reading of the distance to the pin, the location of the pin, and counts your score as you go. This device comes with a large colored screen, a course catalogue of more than 16,000 preloaded courses, as well as a durable and waterproof covering that guarantees its sturdiness. I personally have this device for my golf game and I have seen a drastic improvement in my game play, simply because I can see the layout of the hole on my handheld device and know exactly how far away from the pin I am. These devices have risen in costumer ratings and people are lining up at golf stores to get their hands on this GPS system. For only $199.99, anyone can improve their game with the help of the Yardage Pro.

As you have read, these devices range in uses and come with great tools to help anyone find their way. Whether you have forgotten where you parked your car, where your hotel is, or how far away from the pin you are, Bushnell has come up with great devices to help you on your way. Take advantage of the great deals they have to offer and equip yourself with some of the finest GSP systems on the market.

Dell or Mac?

So, recently I have been having the urge to buy a new computer. Of course I am a college student and need certain things for classes, but at the same time I can use the computer for business after graduate. Therefore, I ask myself, ‘Dell or Mac’?

First, I researched the Dell computers and found that their prices range from $449.00 for an Inspiron 15R to $1099.99 for the new XPS 17. Dell computers come with a security software and accidental damage protection. All of the computers come with Windows 7, memory of 3GB and higher, a hard drive of 320 GB and higher, a video card, all Dell computers are wireless, they have a camera, and they come with a one year warranty.

Secondly, I researched a Mac. The prices were UNREAL. They ranged from $999.00 for a MacBook to $2,499.00 for a MacBook Pro and the prices also range from the size of computer one may choose to buy. Although I could be totally wrong on this point, I did not see where Mac gives a protection plan or a warranty. But on the bright side of Mac computers, people do not have to worry about viruses like regular PC computers do. This would be a good thing to think about when trying to decide what computer is best. This was a really big factor that stood out to me while looking at the computers. Just think about how much money we spend in security software each year, but with a Mac there is no need in security software.

I asked around to some friends about which computer would be best for me. I received half and half, but was told that the Macs are temperamental. Yet, the Macs are still more stylish, have better features, and an Operating System. I have also heard that they crash more under pressure when dealing with music and other 'heavy objects.'

I admit that I have had a Dell computer and have not had a Mac yet, and so far I have been satisfied with my Dell computer. I guess it depends on the work I will be doing on the computer as to which computer I go with. The Macs have many more features and applications to use than the Dell, but at the same time I ask myself... Would I use everything on the Mac computer since I am paying for everything, or should I just stick with the Dell and know that I will use everything on the computer? When considering the price, it makes the decision clear to me. Yet, there are people in the world who want the best of the best and even though I do not blame them I still have to tell myself 'times are hard and you're still in college'. So, I guess if I really want a MacBook, it will have to wait till I start making money instead of spending it all on college and the necessities. =)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Microsoft Word Grievances and Resolutions

For as long as my generation can remember, Microsoft Word has been regarded as the universal word processor. Word was created about twenty years ago and has been released in fifteen different versions. It is the default word processor for most Mac and PC users alike, and because of its prevalence one would assume that using the program for simple word processing tasks would be uncomplicated. However, even in new versions of Word, impediments confuse and impede users. Below, I have outlined the most irritating Word features and possible fixes to these problems.

1. Page Numbers

In my opinion, one of the biggest deficiencies in Word is the hassle of customizing page numbers. I dread assignments of Chicago Style papers, as Chicago Style mandates a cover page with no page number and directs writers to number the next page “2.” To make matters more complicated, all guides demand non-paginated bibliographies. Attempting to paginate in Chicago style on a Microsoft Word document can be extremely frustrating as Word default settings automatically link all page numbers in a document.

The easiest way to circumvent page number defaults is to add section breaks between the pages that should have different page number formats. To add a section break, go to Insert->Break->Section Break and select the section break you want. Next, add page numbers in the manner you normally would to each page separately.

2. Automatic Hyperlinks

Another issue I often stumble across in Word is automatic hyperlinks. When typing a web address into a Word document, Word automatically transforms the address into a blue hyperlink. This can be irritating when writing a paper as most style guides prohibit different colors of fonts in a single document. This is easily fixable with a change of the font color, but it can be tiresome to adjust font color every time you type an address.

To turn the default setting off, go to Tools->Autocorrect Options and select the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab. Under “Replace As You Type,” deselect “Internet and Network Paths With Hyperlinks” and click OK.”

3. Selection of a Few Characters

Another obnoxious feature in Word is that the highlight automatically jumps to select an entire word with the selection of only a few characters. Sometimes you only want to select certain letters, not an entire word, and this can seem impossible.

To fix this problem, go to Tools->Options and click the “Edit” tab. In the right column under “Editing Options,” deselect “When Selecting, Automatically Select Entire Word” and click “OK.”

4. Inaccurate Grammar Correction

Though this may not be as aggravating to others as it is to a grammar nerd like myself, I am averse to Word’s grammar check. Often, a green squiggly line underlines correct grammar, which can cause confusion when correcting a paper. Though there isn’t a fix to this problem, as grammar rules are not invariable, if grammar is only spasmodically corrected, you might as well allow for more half-hearted grammar corrections. One grammatical no-no that teachers search for in papers is passive tense, which is not automatically corrected in Word.

Luckily, Word can find passive tense on default when you click Tools->Options and then select the “Spelling and Grammar” tab. Click “Show Readability Stats,” then click the “Settings” button. When another window opens, scroll under the “Style” category, select “Passive Sentences” and click “OK.”

5. M.I.A. Office Assistant

Unfortunately there is no solution to this deficiency, but is anyone else wondering what happened to the Office Assistant used in older versions of Word? The default Assistant was a paperclip named Clippy, but he could be changed to a dog, cat, and other characters. Now, Word Help is online, boring, and not nearly as personable. After researching the whereabouts of Clippy, I discovered to my dismay that during his tenure, Clippy was considered vexatious to many users and thought to be one of Word’s biggest mistakes. In my opinion, one of Word’s biggest mistakes was to exile Clippy, but sadly he rests in peace and users cannot change his fate.

Though Clippy cannot be resurrected, it is comforting to know that most of common Word frustrations for college paper writers have solutions that can be executed without difficulty.


Clearing up Blu-ray

I recently bought into all the hype and purchased my first Blu-ray player and I have so far I have no complaints. The picture quality is so amazing you feel that you are part of what you are watching. This comes from a Blu-ray disc being true 1080p quality which dominates the HD streaming of Netflix. The sound quality from Blu-ray is also superb.

Before I purchased my player I did plenty of research on which player was the best. It is a good idea to stick with your major brand names, Samsung, Sony, LG or Panasonic. I have a 3D tv, but having to put on bulky glasses to watch a movie doesn't appeal to me so I saved some money by getting a standard Blu-ray player. If you choose to get a 3D Blu-ray player you will still be able to play regular 2D Blu-ray discs and DVDs. I narrowed my options down to one model from each of the four brands, the Samsung BDD5700ZA, Panasonic DMPBDT210, LG BD640 and the Sony NSZGT1. All of these models are $199 except for the Sony which is $399.

The Sony is double the price because it comes with Google TV which allows you to have access to the Google Chrome browser and a lot of applications through a wifi connection. A lot of these applications offered through this player and Google TV are the same as Apple TV which is only $99 so buying one of the other players and Apple TV you would save $100.

The Samsung, Panasonic, and LG are all internet ready and have wifi. This gives you access to applications such as Netflix which all of these players have. The LG player can also access Youtube which is nice to have on your TV. The Samsung has the most applications with Netflix, Youtube, Napster, Pandora, Facebook and the option to download more from the Samsung server. Besides the difference in applications these players are virtually the same all with Dolby Digital 5.1 output, the best for audio.

I ended up buying the Samsung because I own a 46 inch LED Samsung TV and I decided to stay with the brand. The Panasonic and LG would have worked just the same and I see the Sony to be somewhat of a rip off at $399 just for the addition of Google TV.

After you get a Blu-ray player you have to make sure to get some awesome movies on Blu-ray format. I highly recommend Planet Earth because the visuals are insane. Also check out The Dark Knight, the visuals are great and the sound quality is even better.

5 Best Games for Wii

Ever since the wii first came out, I have loved it! It’s so fun and interactive. I knew that I was going to love the wii because it is made by Nintendo. I have grown up with Nintendo, all the way back to Super Nintendo. I think it beats all of the other game systems on the market today. There are so many games you can buy of all different categories. Out of all the games they have in the stores I would have to say that these five games are my favorite so far. Here is my list:

1.) Super Mario Brothers

This game has been my favorite for a long time! I used to play it all the time on my game boy and when I found out they were making a version for wii, I couldn’t wait to buy it. Basically the game is a series of levels that Mario and Luigi, the characters in the game go through to try and save Princess Peach from the evil Bowsers castle. Mario and Luigi have to go through many obstacles to save Peach. This game is a lot of fun because it can be very challenging at times.

2.) Mario Kart

This game is an oldie but goodie. I played Mario Kart on Nintendo 64. This game is awesome! First you pick your character and you can play with up to four people. You can race against people that you are playing with or just play one player and play against all of the other characters. You are able to pick your car and choose the levels that you want to play. There are different types of levels that are really cool! At the end of the race one character wins first place, one character wins second, and then one player wins third. Then at the end of the game there is a ceremony at the end for only the characters that won first second and third. What’s so cool about the Wii version is that there is a wheel that you can buy that you put your remote control in which makes it easier to turn when playing.

3.) Wii Sports

I love Wii Sports! This game comes with the Wii system. It was the first Wii game I ever played. This game consists of many sports you can play like baseball, bowling, boxing, golf, and my favorite, tennis. I love Wii sports because it’s very interactive to the point where you could break a sweat.

4.) Just Dance 2

I just played this game for the first time a couple months ago and I liked it a lot. You can pick from a huge list of songs and then dance to them. There is a dance for every song that a girl shows you step by step. Another really cool thing about this game is the work out plan feature. You can set yourself up on a work out plan and work out. Trust me it works! This game has a lot of hit songs that are a lot of fun to dance to.

5.) Super Smash Brothers. Brawl.

This game is really fun! It’s not like the other Mario games. Basically the character you pick fights against a bunch of other characters in the Smash Brothers World. This game is really action packed and definitely one of my favorites!

There are so many other games for the Wii but these are definitely my five favorite! I definitely recommend all of these! Hope you enjoy them!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blackberry's humble beginnings

I have had many phones and dealt with many phone companies. I've even tried several smartphones that never tickled my fancy. Whenever one got damaged or it was time to upgrade I would trash the previous phone to begin my search again. Sadly they all seemed incompetent when it came down to catering to my cellular needs. After years of searching, I found a phone that fit my hand like a glove, and that is more addictive than any drug (i would assume): My Blackberry. Now every time Verizon tells me i am eligible for an upgrade I am never inquisitive nor anxious about the outcome of my choice. I know what I will be getting. Because I love my Blackberry smartphone so much i am dedicating this post to: THE VERY FIRST BLACKBERRY and a few of its sisters.

Wow, I know this looks a bit sketchy but this was definately the begining of something beautiful. The Inter@ctive pager 850 was the first Blackberry made by RIM (research in motion). Surprisingly, this was not the first Blackberry PHONE. It was a 2 way pager with a full keyboard that was released in 1997 and was also the very first device made by RIM.

The 5790 was the first RIM device that was a mobile phone. It is a data only handheld which includes email, SMS, browser and organizer applications in a single wireless device. There was no microphone use nor speaker use. It wasn't until later when RIM created the 5810.

The Blackberry 5810 was the first Blackberry PDA to include voice capability but it lacked a speaker and a microphone so a headset was required. The 5810 also offered email, SMS, browser and organizer applications. featured Java developement platform.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Uses of the GPS

Living in St.Louis, I never had a need for a drivers license because there is a lot of public transportation. Coming to Oxford had its ways of making me see the true importance of having a driver license though. I was 20 years old when I finally got a drivers license. Once you’re on your own there’s no going back to public transportation. You will no longer have the patience to stand wait for the bus, the train, or even someone picking you up. With the responsibility of having a driver’s license comes a new found sense of direction. You also are no longer counting on the bus driver to know where to go. Riding the bus, all a person needs to know is the direction in which you wish to go… east bound, west bound, north, or south. During my first trip back to St.Louis after getting my drivers license, I was going to go to my aunt’s shop to get my hair done. Her shop was a place I had been to many times before, but I had never driven myself there before. A simple switch of highways across town almost became a road trip to Kansas. This incident made me realize I had absolutely no sense of direction. My fiancé and I went out to Sam’s Club and purchased a GPS.

A GPS is a Global Positioning System that uses a network of 24 satellites placed in orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. The GPS system was originally only used for military applications and in the 1980’s the government made the satellites accessible to civilians, regular people like you and I. These satellites can be used in any part of the world and as long as you have an address it can get you wherever you need to be so that even people with no sense of direction can be independent drivers.

The GPS system is simple to work. Once the GPS is charged, it will find your current location so that it knows where you are. Next you should proceed to put in where you would like to go. If you know the address, click the address icon on the pad. It will ask for the state that you wish to go, then the city, street address. Click done and the GPS will calculate the amount of miles you will travel and the time that you should arrive at your destination. If you are looking for a place like a restaurant, you can go to destinations and type in the name of the restaurant and again it will give you turn by turn directions.

The problem with the GPS as with other forms of technology is that some of the software can become out dated but upgrades are available. Updated software is important because countries and cities are always improving their road ways and building things which means locations may move. The older models don’t always pick up things like new highways if the software isn’t updated regularly. For instance, my fiancé and I were going to the mall in St.Louis but the city was doing road work on the main highway to the mall. The side of th
e road that gets you to the mall wasn’t getting worked on yet so getting there was no problem. Getting back home wasn’t so easy though because we couldn’t go back the way we came. We went another direction hoping that the GPS would reroute its self. The GPS didn’t pick up the newer highway nearby because it software hadn’t been updated. For the first 25 minutes of the drive, the GPS kept trying to turn us around to get on the highway that was blocked off due to construction, but eventually it did reroute us. By that time, I had found some familiar land marks and could direct us myself though.

Finding your way around unknown territory is not the only way that the GPS systems are being used. Today they put GPS systems in cars in case they are stolen and the GPS can be used to find vehicles and track your children so that you always know where they are. People even use GPS systems to help them navigate when they are camping. The GPS system is a technological advancement that is continuing to improve how people move about the world. GPS systems have changed the way people travel permanently. The uses for GPS will continue to grow as the world continues to explore and look for new inventive ways to advance travel technology.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Diff. Between a Mobile Scanner and Regular Computer Scanner

This blog is about how technology has change in the pass years. We went from regular big computer scanners, thats set on top of your desk , to a mobile scanner that you can take anywhere. The Hp Scanjet g3110 Photo Scanner has great quality scans of just about anything on this affordable, easy-to-use flatbed scanner. Scan photos, slides, 3-D objects and more with great resolution. Great scans of black, white and color photo's at an affordable price with 4800x9600 48-bit. Restore faded colors or damaged photos with Hp technology. Scan four 35mm slides, five negative or three 4x6 inch photos at once and save to separate files. Scan a photo or documents directly into email for quick and easy sharing print copies of scanned documents using one-touch button and default printer. Save time on common jobs using scan shortcuts to create a variety of scan-to- options. Easily complete common tasks with 4 one-touch buttons-scan, copy,scan to email, scan to PDF organize, edit, print, share and save scanned photos with included Hp photosmart Essential. Correct most flaws and scratches from old or damaged photos with Hp scanning technology. Scan and archive important family records and documents up to 8.5 x 11 inches. Create PDFs for easy filing and sharing. Quickly and easily connect to a PC for optimum scan transfer speeds with Hi-speed USB 2.0. The VuPoint Magic Wand Scanner is about a foot long and about an inch wide and deep. It has an indentation on each of its sides, providing a good grip when scanning. It is powered by two AA batteries and on the top of the device are two buttons that allow you to choose between color or black and white and 300 or 600 DPI. The on/off switch and start/can switch is also on top of the scanner. On the bottom is the scanner and equally important, a set of rollers. The scanning will only take place while the rollers are in motion.To perform a scan, turn the Magic Wand on with the on/off button for a few seconds until it turn on, then press the on/off button again to start a scan, do the scan thang, then turn the on/off btton again to stop the scan. The scanner works best when running it from the center of the binding out to the end of the pages in a horizontal fashion. The main purpose in using the Magic Wand to scan a few out of print books. The biggest problem scanning, trying to get all of the information of a page into the scan on certain books that have the page numbers at the very edge of the page.
When doing large number of scans from a book, once the scanning is complete you then have to go back and stich the individual scanned pages into a complete e-book. From the information I learned about the Magic Wand, I think I'll stay with the regular scanner, because its also a printer and the Wand is not, it jus scans to the computer.

Friday, March 25, 2011

How The Wii Helped With My Fear Of Video Games

I never was a fan of video games until the Wii system. Why? Because video games weren’t fit for me at all I totally sucked at it. I tried playing them never could get the hang of it. I always asked question about which button to press or how to do certain moves depending on the game I was playing. Since I have two brothers and being the only girl I never had anybody to play girlie things with, so I had to settle with playing video games with my younger brothers. Video games are the only thing in my household, because my brothers weren’t the only ones playing them, my mom and stepdad played them also, I was the odd one out the bunch, who didn’t find video games to be interesting. When my mom brought the Wii system my whole aspect of playing video games changed. When we first started playing I was reluctant to give it a try, because I still had the fear of not being able to play video games. Then, one day I was home alone and it got bored so I decided to give the Wii a try, at first I was getting mad, because my fear kept getting in the way and it made it hard for me to actually enjoy the game. So when I start getting the hang of I became more confident. The tennis game was hard until I realized that it’s just like playing tennis in real life, so I start using the Wii stick as a tennis racket my skills became very appealing, it showed that all I had to do was let go of my fear and relax a little and I could become very good at playing the Wii system. The next game I chose to play was bowling, just thinking about how bad I was when I first start playing I crack a smile because that was the most hardest game ever. Trying to get the ball to knock the pins over was very hard because you have to have a good aim to knock all ten down. I became slightly good at that once my mom taught me how to make the ball jump so that I can knock down all ten and get a strike, still practicing on that. The last game I tried was boxing. Boxing became my favorite game I never had trouble with mainly, because I like fighting or know I little about fighting, because I hung around a lot of boys when I was younger and fighting is something I had to do to show them I was weak and that I could hang with them. So boxing was like second nature to me. This game was exciting and intense, because I was trying to knock my opponent out with one hit, but sometimes it became very difficult because my opponent would always get back up. Anyway my fear of playing games wasn’t over because I still feel reluctant to play PS2, PS3, and the Xbox 360, but as long as I got the Wii I feel a little confidence in playing some type of video game.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gaming at it's Best!

What is the best gaming console out there? Some would say it's the Wii or the Xbox Kinect, because they are up and beyond our expectations of interactive gaming. Most everyone, now-a-days, love anything that is the latest and greatest. I must say I love my fair share of Wii games, and I have yet to try to Xbox Kinect though I'm sure I would find it equally fascinating. I also like anything that is up to date or beyond. However, I will always and forever believe that the best gaming console is... the Super Nintendo. Yes, that is correct. The Super NES is by far the best consoleout there.
The first reason I have for absolutely loving the console is I've had and played with it for as long as I can possibly remember, and it has made some pretty awesome memories. I would usually come home from school everyday and immediately start playing. Just kickin' it back, playing some Super Nintendo, and relaxin' from the hardships of elementary school. Then my sister would walk in and we would start duking it out on some Street Fighters. This most likely our first bonding experience, as well as with the rest of my family. The cousins would gather around the T.V. at family cook-outs, and gatherings to see which team was the best at fighting on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Still to this day, we talk of fun times spent on the Super NES. It's even how I make small talk with people I just meet.

The above brings me to my next point. This console will with stand the storms of time. My family got our Super NES, when I was extremely young because of my older sister. The console was first sold in the beginning of the 1990's. We bought ours probably around 1991 when I was born, and I still play it every once and a while when I'm not completely overwhelmed with school. It has survived through a move from one city to the another one 6 hours away, a couple of years in an extremely hot attic, and the abuse from my little cousins. Through it all, it still works like it's brand new. The best part is if a game doesn't work you blow on the chip that shows to connect to the console and it magically starts to work again. If you'
ve never tried it, trust me. It works.

Finally, my next and most important point. The games for the Super Nintendo are the best EVER! They are so simple that anyone can play them, yet they are so exciting a person forgets they are so simple in the first place. They are great for everyone. Below are the list of top games.

  1. It's a me, Mario! Super Mario World is an all-time favorite andhow can you forget that amazing song in the beginning. Plus, we all remember going from castle to castle defeating Bowser andhis other enemies to win Princess Peach.

  2. FINISH HIM!! Please, tell me everyone still remembers Mortal Kombat. We would literally play this game for hours on end. It was thebest way to start the weekend. It was so great they even made a movie based off ofit. Though, the movie was horrible. The game is amazing. The target of the game was to simply kill the other person, which probably wasn't the best for a young one.

  3. Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were awesome. I dressedup as Leonardo for Halloween numerous times as a child, along with my cousin, and sister. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had several games, but the favorite was Turtles in Time. The Statue of Liberty is stolen by Shredder and the boys have toget it back. They fight through levels until finally they must defeat Shredder.

  4. Street Fighter. It was basically the same as MK, but really MK was better. Still, Street Fighter makes the list, because, when we wanted a little something different from Mortal Kombat, we would pop this baby in.

  5. Last, but certainly not least is Donkey Kong Country. In this game, Donkey Kong and his nephew Diddy Kong must pass through, and defeat levels to gain his hoard of bananas back from King K. Rool and Kremlings. The best part of the game is itwas in 2-D instead of the usual 1-D. It made gaming a lot cooler.
There are so many more games I can add to the list, but we would be here for an eternity.
These only cover a small portion of my favorites.
I suggest to anyone out there has a Super Nintendo console to play it immediately and fall back
in love with this amazing gaming system. For the moments played on this, all the times you
played with your Wii or other systems with be forgotten. It's such a great 90's icon.
Now, go play, and COWABUNGA!!!