Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NSFE - Not Safe For Employers

When applying for jobs now a days, employers are starting to use social networks in their background checks. And I'm sure you have a Facebook profile (at this point who doesn't?). So here are a few tips for censoring your profile.

1. Pictures

If you have pictures that aren't something you'd show your mother, then you'd probably would not want to post them. If they're already don't want to delete them, so change the settings of who can see the group of photos. Always check the "Friends Only" because if you select "Networks" then anyone in your networks can view them.

2. Spelling & Grammar

I know Facebook is a place where you shouldn't have to worry about what people think of you, but now that you're in college you should at least sound like you are. Therefore you should use correct grammar and not TyPe LiKe ThIs.

3. Status Updates

This could go one of two ways. First, if you post excessive status updates it makes you look like you have nothing better to do or that you are putting off what you should be doing. This also goes for irritating updates. Second, some people tell a little too much when hitting that post button. So if you have the habit of calling in sick, but taking a personal day...don't flaunt it. This also goes for dissing your workplace/employer/coworker on your status they could be in one of your networks. Also if you must join one of the many Facebook applications (i.e. Farmville), please turn off any notification status that it will place onto the news feed. No one cares if you found a sheep or a cow or whatever you do on that application.

4. Profile

This will be the first thing they see, so make it look plausible. I'm not saying you should make your interests be boring, but make it "G rated" so to speak. So drinking should probably not be included. Plus some future employers may make spec judgment just by looking at the types of music you like. You may even want to try adding some favorite books.

5. Friends

You have 1,324 friends. Do you really know that many people? Sometimes friending that many people is good for networking, but if you bumped into someone in a coffee shop you shouldn't just off and friend them. If you know them, then it's ok to friend them. Just having to many friends sounds like you're looking for attention. Lastly, if your employer decides to send you a friend request, by all means DON'T IGNORE IT. That is the worst possible thing you could do. Add them. If you don't want them to see certain things on your on your profile, then set them to "limited profile." That way they can only see the things you want them to.

If you don't want to change anything on your profile, then just make sure to change your privacy settings. You always want to set it to "Friends Only" over "Networks." And if you already have an employer that is a friend...make sure they are set to "limited profile." Also to keep your Facebook profile from popping up in the search engines, disable the public search.

With these tips you should be safe in the eyes of an employer.

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