Saturday, February 26, 2011

Medical Technology: Robots and Social Dreaming

The use of technology is increasing rapidly in our world today, especially in the medical field. As I researched this topic, I came across the Web Design School Guide’s website and they had an article on “10 Things We Couldn’t Do Without Robots”. And surprisingly “Remote and Minimally Invasive Surgery” came in at number four on the list. Even though I know we depend on technology in the medical field a lot, I did not expect it to be that high on the list for performing surgery. Today surgeons have the ability to perform surgeries by simulating movements through a computer that control the equipment that is attached to the arms of the robot. Doctors are able to perform more precise and even smaller precisions with these robots than their hands will allow, which reduces bleeding and pain experienced by the patient. With this advancement in technology the doctors don’t even have to be in the same room as the patient while using these medical robots. They don’t even have to be in the same country. This sounds crazy to me. The thought of a robot making incisions on my body is kind of scary to me. Personally I would want the person controlling the robot to be at LEAST in the same building as I am. What happens if the robot malfunctions? Who’s left to carry out the procedure? Humans are not perfect and neither are machines.

Even though medical technology is very important, I think at times it can be a little overboard. According to, the use of computers will help further improve the meaning of dreams and sleeping disorders. They say that a computer will be built with a dream databases. These dream databases will be used with “social dreaming networks”. This would allow dreamers to network with others worldwide. “Social Dreaming Networks”, really?! Security walls would be set up for potential “dream bullying”. I think that idea of “Social Dreaming Networks” is ridiculous! Who wants to know what someone else is dreaming? Maybe a girlfriend/boyfriend who wants to know if their significant other is thinking about them at night. I think that the thought of this dreamer’s network is bizarre.

 I work in a doctor’s office and I must say that medical technology has defiantly helped out the medical community by creating databases and computer software to help doctors and other medical staff professionals keep up with the care of patients. Trust me, sometimes it is hard trying to keep up with patients just by using charts or individual folders. I think it would be a great idea for patients with certain health risks to take a wireless monitor home that would send data directly to the doctor on a daily basis that would measure vital functions. But we see some of that technology today such as the commercial that advertise the wristbands that immediately send for help if you push the button. Even though medical technology has grown over the years, it still has some improvements that could be made to better help the doctor and patient interaction.

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