Thursday, February 24, 2011

Facebook: The Take Over

Facebook is a very popular social networking site. It is also very easy to become addicted to. It is used to meet new people , stay in contact with old and new friends , and find lost friends. It has multiple age groups. Everyone has a Facebook now days, it is not only popular to teens and youths but it is also popular to older people. People use Facebook daily to upload pictures and videos, view other people’s profile, update their status, chat with friends, and add new friends. Most users tend to spend long hours on Facebook. Technology itself can be very addictive at times, but the most common internet addiction is Facebook. What is it that has everyone glued to it all during the day and night, in class, at work, and even while you are driving? Facebook addiction is beginning to become a real problem and it can also be very dangerous. That is why you should choose your friends carefully and be careful with what you post. Why having an addiction is bad? Regardless of what any addiction is bad wheater you are addicted to drugs or addicted to Facebook. An Addiction can take over your life. Once you are addicted to something that matters more to you then other things such as family, school and sleep. In order to know you have an addiction you must admit you have a problem. Almost half of Facebook’s users visit the site every day. And some of its users spend many hours on Facebook without noticing how long they have been online. First you need to recognize the signs of a Facebook addiction. Like waking up in the morning Facebook is the first thing you check and the last thing before you go to bed, you are not able to go more than one day without using Facebook, you lose sleep staying up on Facebook all night and you can also cause car accident by using Facebook mobile while you driving. Many think they are just a casual user when they are really a Facebook addict just in denial. Like if you are constantly updating you status and changing your profile picture that is a sign of a Facebook addiction. Facebook to me is addictive because it keeps you updated on all the gossip,it informs about current events, and you are able to view your friends pictures to see what they have been up to. It is so easy to have a Facebook addiction because we live in society dependent upon technology. Facebook is taking over the world. The addiction comes from the unhealthy use of technology. Rumors say that some users abuse use of the social networking website and they are talking about shutting it down. What world the world be like without Facebook? To me I feel like Facebook is away to just throw away your life , its pointless and a waste of time. Facebook has over 400 million users, the amount of time people now spend on Facebook is over six a week. Being on Facebook is like a full time jobs and and whoever is addicted to Facebook should seek help before it takes over their life or just delete their facebook account.

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