Monday, February 28, 2011
My Experience of Using The IPad for College
I'd like to mention the weight of the Ipad. The Ipad is only 1.5 Lbs! Thats less than 1 textbook. So I've taken a huge amount of weight in books, and put it all into 1.5 Lbs. It's made it a lot more comfortable getting from class to class without the big load of books and binders in my backpack. So where are all the notes going? Well there are numerous note taking applications avaliable to you and they keep everything very neat. Your able to create virtual binders and keep chapter notes organized. I've never been more organized with note taking. I never have to worry about where my paper is or thumbing through all of my notebooks to find a particular lecture. Most applications have a search box and you can type in a keyword and it will take you straight to it. So with that in mind, you can imagine studying is easier also. I'm using a small bluetooth keyboard with it to make note taking a breeze. The keyboard is large enough to be comfortable to deal with, yet small enough to not add a lot of weight either. With the keyboard I'm also able to take notes twice as fast as when I was writing them. I'm sure most of you have had that one professor who speaks extremely fast and doesn't wait on you to copy the slides. Well if your good at typing, this problem is eliminated most of the time. With A lot of the professors putting notes on blackboard you are also able to have the internet at your finger tips with just a few clicks and you're able to follow along online. There are apps that allow you to edit and highlight on notes such as blackboard slides which makes note taking on this device even that much better. Also battery life is not an issue. I've had it last a few days at some times. If you charge it at night you will make it through even the longest days without an issue.
For future thoughts from talking to the apple corporation Ive found that they will with time make the etextbooks interactive. For example for science you could have something about a chemical reaction and you can click on it and it will work through the problem and show you step by step how it works. Or another is with math it will be able to show you how to work through math problems. This could show some real benifit in the future and could be a great learning tool on its own.
With this being my first semester using the Ipad as an alternative to textbooks and notebooks I'd have to say i'm extremly pleased and can't see going back to paper textbooks. If you're able to afford the extra hundred dollars initally it will eventually save you money and be a great deal easier to deal with than regular textbooks. The Ipad allows me to always have my notes, binders, and textbooks all at my fingertips. I guess it couldn't have come at a better time as everyone is promoting "going green."
Sunday, February 27, 2011
technology keeps coming and coming and coming...
Do you remember growing up with VCRs and VHS tapes? I have many vivid memories of these large tapes - whether it was looking through the movie cabinet at all those big plastic cases to pick out a movie, dodging them flying through the air when my older brothers threw them at me, or having to rewind before returning to the video store when we rented.
Did you know that the average VHS tape weighs about 7.4 ounces?
However, we now know there are much better options for home entertainment, but in the late 1970's and early 1980's people were ecstatic to own a VCR player. People were actually given the choice of what they wanted to watch on television instead of just normal television programs. People were offered freedom to pick out a movie and bring it into their homes and watch it on their own television set.
After only about 15 years of rewinding the film, hauling around these heavy things, and daring not to flip open the lever and touch the tape inside the VHS tape, DVDs hit the market hard in March 1997. Thank goodness!
Weighing just .58 ounces, movies on a disc were brand new to America and were so convenient that we kissed the days of rewinding goodbye and were allowed to just click the menu button and select the scene of the movie that we wanted to watch. This was such a big improvement from fast forwarding through the whole movie to watch the last 15 minutes or having to rewind through the entire movie to start it over.
However, researchers worked very hard to improve DVDs since many people ended up scratching the discs and then they were unreadable. So, in November 2006, Blu-Ray came out weighing about .34 ounces.
Blu-Ray overcomes DVD readability issues by placing the movie data on top of a 1.1 mm thick polycarbonate layer, which protects the disc from fingerprints and scratches.
Now that we have moved past large VHSs and skipping DVDs, we are currently in the Blu-Ray era. Except if this movie technology follows the previous pattern, Blu-Ray too will be gone by 2015 or 2020. What do we have coming to us next? I for one am still watching DVDs and occasionally Blu-Rays, but I understand that DVDs are on their way out, but I will be sad when the day comes when Best Buy no longer has DVDs on their shelves. However, my children will probably never even know what a VHS is and maybe even a DVD. This concept is very bittersweet to me.
10 Reasons Why I Love My iPhone
I am a satisfied At&t, Apple iPhone user. I have owned the 1st generation iPhone and now own the iPhone 3GS, so I've been an iPhone user since the beginning. I have many reasons why I enjoy using an iPhone, but I am going to list only ten.
1. I am a multi-tasker, and the iPhone allows me to multi-task efficiently.
2. I can listen to my iTunes account without carrying both an iPod and an iPhone.
3. I can take pictures and record videos without needing a digital camera.
4. I can access or view my e-mail from various accounts on the go.
5. I can shop online safely in the palm of my hand.
6. I can use apps to help me stay up to speed as well as be organized.
7. I can customize and organize my homepage to fit my liking.
8. iPhone cases and covers are available almost everywhere, so my phone stays cute and protected.
9. I can talk and text at the same time when I want to, so that way everyone is happy.
10. My information stays synced with my Windows Photo Gallery,Windows Contacts, and Internet bookmarks and favorites.
I'm sure other iPhone users can add on to or agree with these ten reasons because there are so many things that one can do when he or she is an iPhone user.
Generation 1(iPhone 2G):

Generations 2 and 3 (iPhones 3G and 3GS):

Generation 4(iPhone 4):

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Medical Technology: Robots and Social Dreaming
Friday, February 25, 2011
What will the computer replace next?
When computer’s first came about, they were used for math calculations. Now the computer can basically do anything with the right program. Computers have become a source of constant gratification. From social networking and games to complex scientific equations and medical information the things that computers can do now have drastically change how we live. With the increase in technology, computers have begun to replace every area of information, communication, research, and entertainment that I have encountered.
The radio? Thats a thing of the past. I now use Itunes and Pandora to listen to my music. In my car I use an Ipod adaptor to listen to the songs I want to hear.
A filing cabinet? Takes up too much room in the office. I can now use various filing systems on my hard drive to electronically store documents without the space issue, I wont loose my documents as easily, plus I can save more trees.
A library? Why walk to JD Williams Library when there is a convenient online database available just a few clicks away on my computer? Saves me the time of finding the book on the shelves and looking through said book for the information. Instead I type in a few keywords in the search engine and I know exactly what page of which book I should use for my research paper. I can also store electronic versions of my favorite books as a PDF on my desktop without worrying about my pages being damaged (a personal pet peeve of mine).
A newspaper? Why get all that ink on your hands just to see how your favorite sports team lost last night’s game? With online news websites and search engines, there is no need to walk out the front door to grab the paper to get your news. Its fast and efficient.
A TV? Your favorite TV shows aren’t always in sync with your busy schedule. You do have a life you know. Network stations have their own websites, which stream the recent episodes of a certain series. You don’t even have to own a television to keep up with Glee!
Writing letters? Hand cramps are the worst kind of cramps out there. The many different ways to keep in touch with those I care about have nothing to do with a stamp. Email, twitter, facebook, youtube, instant messaging, skype, just to name a few are ways of communicating by way of the computer that I use everyday.
When you think about it, entire generations way of life has been completely erased with the development of computers and the internet. I wonder what the development of computer technology will replace about the way I live my life. What will I not need next?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Facebook: The Take Over
The other founder of Microsoft

Allen arranged for Microsoft to buy an operating system Q-DOS for $50 thousand dollars. The company was already supplying software for emerging companies such as Apple and Comodore. Gates and Allen reinvented the Q-DOS as MS-DOS and installed it as the operating system for IBM PC, which dominated the market after its release. Allen became known in the company as the "idea man" while Gates became known as the "man of action".
In 1986 he set up a company called Vulcan Ventures in order to look for future investments. Through this he found a Silicon Valley think tank in 1992 called Interval Research. Through Vulcan Ventures and Interval Research, he began to put his long term dream of a wired world society in which virtually everyone is online in to practice.
He has made many investments. A few of his invesments include AOL, SureFind(an online classified ads service), Teluscan(an online financial service), Starware(an online content provider), hardware, software, and wireless communications. He ended up building an infrastructure of over 30 companies in pursuit of his "world wired" strategy.
Allen had other personal an philanthropic interests. He owns the NBA Seattle Seahawks, the NBA Seattle Trail Blazers, and is part owner of the MLS Seattle Founders which began playing in 2009. Allen co-founded with his sister the Experience Music Project. It is an interactive rock and roll museum that he had designed in Seattle. He also spent $20 million dollars to build the Science Fiction Experience. He also established foundations for the causes of medical research, visual and performing arts, community service, and forest preservations. He also invested in Oxygen Media, a highly-touted company co-founded by Oprah Winfrey and dedicated to producing cable and internet programming for women.
Allen also has a hobby of playing his own music. He is a Jimmi Hendrix enthusiast, so he plays rhythm guitar in a Seattle band called Grown Men which released their first CD in 2000.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
NSFE - Not Safe For Employers
1. Pictures
If you have pictures that aren't something you'd show your mother, then you'd probably would not want to post them. If they're already don't want to delete them, so change the settings of who can see the group of photos. Always check the "Friends Only" because if you select "Networks" then anyone in your networks can view them.
2. Spelling & Grammar
I know Facebook is a place where you shouldn't have to worry about what people think of you, but now that you're in college you should at least sound like you are. Therefore you should use correct grammar and not TyPe LiKe ThIs.
3. Status Updates
This could go one of two ways. First, if you post excessive status updates it makes you look like you have nothing better to do or that you are putting off what you should be doing. This also goes for irritating updates. Second, some people tell a little too much when hitting that post button. So if you have the habit of calling in sick, but taking a personal day...don't flaunt it. This also goes for dissing your workplace/employer/coworker on your status they could be in one of your networks. Also if you must join one of the many Facebook applications (i.e. Farmville), please turn off any notification status that it will place onto the news feed. No one cares if you found a sheep or a cow or whatever you do on that application.
4. Profile
This will be the first thing they see, so make it look plausible. I'm not saying you should make your interests be boring, but make it "G rated" so to speak. So drinking should probably not be included. Plus some future employers may make spec judgment just by looking at the types of music you like. You may even want to try adding some favorite books.
5. Friends
You have 1,324 friends. Do you really know that many people? Sometimes friending that many people is good for networking, but if you bumped into someone in a coffee shop you shouldn't just off and friend them. If you know them, then it's ok to friend them. Just having to many friends sounds like you're looking for attention. Lastly, if your employer decides to send you a friend request, by all means DON'T IGNORE IT. That is the worst possible thing you could do. Add them. If you don't want them to see certain things on your on your profile, then set them to "limited profile." That way they can only see the things you want them to.
If you don't want to change anything on your profile, then just make sure to change your privacy settings. You always want to set it to "Friends Only" over "Networks." And if you already have an employer that is a friend...make sure they are set to "limited profile." Also to keep your Facebook profile from popping up in the search engines, disable the public search.
With these tips you should be safe in the eyes of an employer.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Reasons why I wish I had waited to buy the iPad
Just as any new technology is, its expensive. But as any other technology that comes out, the price WILL drop…. Eventually. The first iPad ranged between $499 and $829 for the bigger one with 3G technology included (but doesn’t include the data plan you have to sign up for which will have you throwing another $15-$25 monthly). You would think with a new one right around the corner the price would have dropped by now (just like the 3Gs model of the iPhone did before the iPhone 4 was released). You can now get a refurbished iPad for $430 from Apple but thats still a bit pricy. Your paying for the name and the logo on the back more than you are the actual iPad.
Reason 2: No Camera included!
With no camera, this also means no Facetime, which is already on the iPhone and iPods. Yes, the iPad is bulky and I can’t imagine holding that 9-inch screen up to someone saying “CHEESE” and taking a picture. I do like the features of the iPad that lets you view, zoom, and even edit some photos, BUT you can do that on a digital camera, which would cost MUCH less than an iPad. Oh, and don’t even think about trying to connect the iPad to a monitor or TV without forking up another $30. My recommendation if you absolutely want to buy these accessories would be Amazon where you can buy these accessories for almost half the price.
Reason 3: I’d prefer hardback!
Yes, I like that now when I buy a book its not taking up space on my shelves at home only to collect dust, but it doesn’t have that new book smell. Some people actually prefer the feel of a hardback cover than having to hold the iPad. The prices for the digital copy can be a little cheaper, but to me, its worth paying an extra few dollars for the new book smell and the feeling of not having to hold a 9-inch screen outside worrying that if it rains I have to cover it up. I’ve got a hardback copy; I can close it and be just fine. The rain can just wipe off a cover, but ruin an iPad.
Reason number 4: I had to wait, and would have waited longer!
It was $500! It’s not something I can just go, “Hey mom, I want one,” and expect to have one within the week or so. It was one of those things that had to wait until either a birthday or Christmas (if I was good this year). I didn’t grow up in a family that could fork out hundreds of dollars just for a new toy; I had to earn it. I was taught the value of a dollar. My parents forced me to get into the work force, and stay there, since the age of 18. I must say, after learning the value of a dollar, the iPad is not valued, at least to me, at $500. I should have waited another few months and I could have paid the same price I did with this first generation for a better one! Patients is a virtue.
Reason 5: Rumors about the new one
There are so many things about the new iPad the addition to the camera along with the Facetime, lighter weight, and faster processor was reported by the Wall Street Journal. According to Macrumors, the new iPad will feature a USB connection to the iPad instead of those crummy 30-pin connections. Their also reporting that the new iPad won’t have the retina display, which is already featured in their iPhone 4 models.
I waited till December of this year to actually get one but I wish I had waited another few months for the newer one. If there is one lesson Apple has taught me, it's never buy the first generation of anything. Let the developers fix all the bugs, glitches, and things they forgot to include in the first generations before you fork out several hundred dollars on anything.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Reasons to check out PT
for? Well it stands for Phantasy Tour. Phantasy Tour is a website that follows
several popular musicians and their bands. It give updates on tours, shows set
list for previous tours, and a whole lot more. The bands include: moe, Phish,
String Cheese Incident, The Dead, The Disco Biscuits, Trey Anastasio Band,
Umphrey’s McGee, Widespread Panic, and Yonder Mountain String Band. But in my
opinion the best part of the website is the forum. The first time a friend of
mine showed it to me I didn’t think much of it. I was never into reading blogs,
much less posting on them. But after a few visits, I realized how hooked I was
from hitting the refresh button so many times to see new threads. Here are some
reasons to check out PT.
people, from all over the country of different ages and backgrounds, reading
and posting constantly. Note that it is a forum for a set of several popular
bands, but topics range from Current events to whatever you want to talk about.
I generally use the forum linked to Phish because it is my favorite band out of
the choices available. You’ll read about everything from President Obama’s
latest speech to the meal you eat most often.
the right circumstances. I guess the best way to put it is if you happen to
offend someone when writing or commenting on a thread; do not expected to be “reported
for abuse”, but be prepared to defend your argument. Word of advice if you
cannot laugh at yourself or cannot take a joke, I would suggest not to use PT.
updates from your phone from 10,000 ft in the air.
main purpose is just for entertainment. If not for the entertainment, you can
still always get the latest updates on tour dates, shows, past set lists. It
also lists any cities with venues and the upcoming concerts for those venues.
If you want to check it out visit
<> > |
<> > |
<> > |
and click your band to view the forum.
TV Buyer's Guide
First up, the plasma screen which is the oldest flatscreen technology. It really sparked the want for thinner TVs. It being the oldest technology means that there are a few disadvantages. For example, if a single image is displayed for too long (let's say the pause screen on a video game), that image can be burned into the screen and leave a permanent "shadow" or outline. So you could invite the guys over to watch the big game and lose focus in certain areas because an outline of game over is in the middle of the screen. On a positive note, they are cheap in price because no one really buys them anymore and stores are just trying to get rid of stock.
LCD TVs are the successor to plasma. LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. When LCDs first came out plasmas provided superior picture quality but over the years there have been major jumps in LCD screen refresh rates. The refresh rate is the rate at which your TV can process and project images which reduces blurring of movements in action scenes. The higher the refresh rate, the clearer the picture. As of right now there are three different refresh rates, 60 hz, 120 hz, and 240 hz. LCDs are a little bit pricier but you can pick a decent sized one (32"-46") for between $400-1200.
The latest and greatest technologies are LED and 3D LEDs. LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode. These TVs LCD screens but back-lit by LEDs. The result is a crisp clear picture with a broader more vibrant color range than a normal LCD. The 3D versions take two angles of the same image and overlap them to a certain degree just like a person's eyes. New electronic 3D glasses work like the brain by combining the two images and giving the viewer a sense of depth perception. The 3D LEDs are surprisingly thin with most measuring less than 1" thick. New stuff means higher prices while companies explore the market. A 55" Samsung C7000 series 3D LED TV will set you back between $1,850-$2400 depending where you look. Also, 3D TVs are limited by size and you can't find one smaller than 42".
Hopefully this helps you find what you are looking for.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
what's the point of the ipad
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Rebel Report is Online
This blog is a class project. The students in my 103: Survey of Computing class will be required to write two entries a piece for it. They can post about any technology-related topic. They're also free to create videos or comics for the site. Let's see what they come up with.
Posts are scheduled to start appearing next Monday. Until then...