Friday, May 6, 2011

Why Linux Operating System is Better?

Linux the operating system: is one the best operating systems to use for your computer. They question is why does no one use it. One of the main factors of why no one uses Linux, and everyone in the world seems to use windows, is that they do not understand the program. It is important to understand the program, but it is not the easiest thing in the world to do. Linux is the best for a number of reasons and I plan on listing these to hopefully encourage you the reader to make the switch. Although Windows 7 has dramatically improved from vista and xp versions, the Linux operating system still prevails.

First off, if you want to say good bye to viruses download Linux. Linux is so great becasue you can download it onto your computer and still keep windows as a secondary running system . Another factor leading to the greatness of Linux is the fact that it is free and you do not have to pay one hundred some odd dollars to run your computer. When compared to the windows operating system, Linux crashes way less and almost has a nonexistent crash rate when compared to others. How many times do you recall sitting in a concentrated state almost done with an assignment, or reading your favorite article online and then all of a sudden, your computer crashes. We have all been there and it is not fun. In order to avoid this frustration go ahead and save yourself the time and trouble and download Linux. Linux is simply the best.

Another good reason to use Linux is that it avoids viruses. Viruses are the leading cause for people to just break down and buy a new computer. Many do not know that there computer is not broken, it is just infected with viruses. Although Windows offers Norton Security and other Security systems, they are offered at a cost and are not cheap. Linux has all types of programs and different capabilities offered for free. Throughout my time in high school and college, I have spent a good bit of time with different computer techs and they know there stuff. They know there stuff so well that any time I have a question I can count on calling my friend and he will have the answer. With regards to these people, they always run Linux operating system. They run a certain type of Linux called, Ubuntu. I use this program on my computer at home and love it. I do not know much about computer, but I am still able to run this operating system effectively and efficiently. If I were to suggest something now, it would be to go ahead and download Linux operating system for your computer. Here is the link ….

Hope this helps. When I made the switch to Linux, it was a little difficult at first. But what isn’t difficult these days. It was the best switch I have ever made, even better than the switch from blackberry to I phone. Remember to keep the computer safe and efficient!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Violence and Video Games

Ever since the dawn of video games, violence has coincided with them. First it was the ghosts in Pac-Man attempting to kill our yellow hero, and then came Mario stomping on the shroom-like goombas. Now, these acts of violence seem extremely petty to us because, in all truth, they are. However, modern-day games are becoming exceedingly more violent, and this is definitely having an effect on our youthful population.

Now, whenever one thinks of violent video games, the name Grand Theft Auto almost always jumps to mind, but there were games much earlier than it that caused outrage in the American public. Perhaps the first game to spark this fury was the arcade classic Mortal Kombat. The ability to finish your opponent in an extremely brutal manner along with massive amounts of blood effects resulted in the game almost getting banned. This was the first example of violent video games causing an outcry, but the aforementioned Grand Theft Auto raised even more serious concerns. Almost immediately after the games release, outcries were heard around the nation. Kids became less obedient, started acting more aggressively towards their peers and superiors, and displayed less interest in school.

Whenever Grand Theft Auto first came out, it sold like hotcakes off the shelves. Every kid across America wanted it for its sandbox, no restraint gameplay. For those of you who do not know what GTA (Grand Theft Auto) entails, basically you play as a gangster in a large city whose main goals are to kill civilians, steal cars, run from cops, and all kinds of other extremely violent and illegal activities.

This doesn't just stop at video games, however. Studies have shown that four year old children who just viewed aggressive images are three times more likely to act aggressively than children who just viewed peaceful images.

This is still a hotly debated topic among many critics. Whether these violent and aggressive games and television are actually affecting our youth is not for certain. However, one must wonder how they couldn't? With technology growing more powerful every single day, the violence in games is growing as well (just check out the new Mortal Kombat, the first wasn't nearly as gory as this one. Its already been banned in Australia). Children are playing these mature rated games that exhibit extreme violence, gore, and unethical actions. Who knows, in ten years games might become realistic enough that the mind of a child is unable to distinguish them from reality, if not in the present day?

Despite whether or not these games are affecting the American public, they will continue to be produced, children will continue to play them, and if the gaming community calls for it, they will become more violent and realistic. From ghosts killing little yellow circles, to digital gangsters beating up prostitutes with baseball bats, gaming has always included violence, and that trend is not likely to stop. So now that you've heard my spill, go throw in Grand Theft Auto 4, and steal a Ferrari or two.

5 Tips for Having a Great Photograph

Social media is becoming an online photo album for the world to see. It is just as important to have great pictures as it is to have a "job appropriate" Facebook. Consider these steps to having a perfect picture included in your album!

First, you need to consider sunlight.

Sunlight can make or break a photograph. Having the subject in your picture front and center with the majority of the source light coming from behind will create a shadowed subject. The back lighting is more often used when you are trying to create a silhouette. Here is a useful tip for you. Try creating some source of light behind the photographer to shine on the subject of your picture if you can not help that the sun is in the background. Or, to be even more simple, just move to a different location with the light behind the photographer. You may be asking, what if I can not move around as easily? Simple. Create a shadow that may block the source light, but just remember to turn on the flash on your digital camera.

Next, you need to consider spacing.

This can be broken down into two different categories, cropping and the overall spacing from the length of the photograph. Cropping a picture is something that we find very useful. If you have taken a picture from a distance, you may take away some of the distraction of the background and just narrow the picture to the subject of your picture. Let's say you cropped the picture. Now you need to make sure the spacing is proper. The ideal setting for a picture is to have a small space above the subject of the picture. Wherever you want the focus of the picture should be slightly above the center. This is where the eye most naturally looks to. This is not a mandatory rule in picture taking. Often, if the subject is facing an outward direction, you may want the picture to be off centered to create an effect of almost being there.

You may need to eliminate distractions.

Sometimes you just can't help that there are things in your picture that you wish weren't there. That is okay though! Just refer back to the previous rule, and just keep the focus of your picture predominately in the center. You can also edit the photo, and create a focus on the center of the picture and merely blur the background. If you have the luxury of creating the setting of your picture, then consider clearing the background of any clutter and distractions. This may include bright colors that are not consistent with the picture, something overbearing, or anything that just happens to take away attention from what you want your audience to see.

There are several effects that you can do to your picture.

Sepia tone is when you have more red tones throughout your picture. This can sometimes make the picture look more "authentic" or "antique." Black and white pictures are one of my personal favorites. Some digital cameras allow you to take the picture as such, or you can use a free website like Picnik to edit the picture into your masterpiece. Boosting photos can create vibrant colors to give a more dramatic effect. It is often fun to use Picnik and Adobe Photoshop software to just experiment with your picture.

Lastly, you can troubleshoot a picture.

Yes, I said it, you can troubleshoot pictures. I'm not talking about troubleshooting a picture, either. Let's say you have a zig-zag effect on your picture. Try making sure the shutter is off on your camera. Sometimes everything will show up just way too dark. In this case, you can turn on the flash. If there is a blurred effect, you can also mess with a combination of the shutter, the flash, or the setting on your camera that determines whether it should be an inside picture or an outside picture, usually depicted with a flower on your camera.

This shouldn't be considered expert advice, but if you follow these basic steps you should end up having great pictures on your social media website. Just remember to smile and say cheese!

Craigslist Scams

Craigslist Scams

Craigslist has proven to be a very legitimate source for selling things, finding apartments, locating services, and meeting new people, but as great as Craigslist can be, it also calls for much precaution. With the proper precautions, Craigslist can be a great source for online sell and trade. One must always understand that con artists are out there and they will steal your money!

The most common known craigslist scam is the Nigerian scam. This scam was created by Nigerians who email you in response to your ad, usually offering more than the asking price, asking you to ship it out of contry, and/or writing with broken mispelled english. Many of these Nigerian con artists will email you asking you to ship the item to somewhere out of the country and recieve your payment using paypal. The Nigerians then use a fake version of paypal which requires a tracking number before the funds are released to the seller. Once the seller ships the item, they go to post their tracking number, they find that there is no where to insert a number making it impossible to recieve their money. Now that the seller has shipped the item to this unknown seller in a foreign country, they are left with nothing in return.

It seems as if today's society has completely let go of all morals regarding business transactions with strangers. Would you walk up to a stranger and hand over a large sum of money? I didn't think so. It is proven by the number of scams that are successful through Craiglist. It is absolutley obsurd that someone would actually trust a face-less stranger.

Craigslist now provides the following advice on avoiding scams to anyone using their service:

- Trust your instincts

- Deal only with local buyers and sellers

- Never wire funds to a distant buyer via Western Union or any other carrier

- Be warry if the other party wants to use an escrow service such as BidPay Squaretrade, or even PayPal

- Never give out personal finance information (eBay or PayPal info, checking account number, SSN, etc.)

- Always remember the most important rule - BUYER BEWARE

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Best Places for Food and Night Life on the Square

This is just a list of my favorite places on the Square and why I think they are great. I'm limited to the how much I can write so I had to choose carefully.

Best Quick Meal-South Depot Taco Shop: This restaurant is fairly new on the Square, but it has already made a name for itself with lines out the door nearly every day. The food is fast and fresh, the staff is always polite, and the atmosphere represents an amazing modern version of a South-Western Mexican eating establishment. And let's face it; the Square has needed a break from pizza, burgers, and fried catfish for a while. Also on another note for those of you who are of age, there are two dollar beer specials every day.

Best Home Cooked Meal-Ajax: If you are looking to try most likely the best southern cooking on the square, you have met your match. Ajax old school home cooked meals like their hot tamale plate or their grilled pork chops. The servings are huge and the prices are reasonable. Warning: Make sure to get there a good thirty minutes before dinner time, because it fills up faster than the Super Dome during a hurricane.

Best Fine Dining-City Grocery: If you are looking for place to take someone on date, or for a formal family dinner, City Grocery is your best bet. The atmosphere is classy and the foods reputation is impeccable. City Grocery has been open for nearly 20 years and business is a booming. One thing to remember however when eating at a fine dinning establishment like City Grocery, is make sure to bring your wallet because prices are anything but cheap. Four dollar beers and eight dollar liquor drinks are not exactly casual pregame prices.

Best Cheap Meal-Frank and Marley's: About 75 percent of the time my bank account has less than 10 dollars. After a while you get pretty good at finding cheap places to spend your cash. Frank and Marley's every Monday and Thursday serves 25 cent wings and dollar PBRs. The wings are the best on the square and come in three different flavors. It's a great place to go watch the game or if you are looking to party late. Their downstairs is a great venue for small bands.

Best Drink Specials and Music-Rooster's: Again for those of you underage or to those who are opposed to the consumption of alcohol I apologize, but as one of the top party schools in the nation since the list's existence, I I feel it is necessary to include this. Rooster's Blues House on Mondays sells two dollar pitchers of beer and 35 cent wings. Wednesdays there are 32 ounce long necks for three dollars and every day from 3:00 to 6:00PM is two for one specials. Don't get me wrong it is not at all and never will be just about the alcohol. Rooster's has built a long lasting reputation not just because of its drink specials, but also because of their incredibly hard working staff, friendly atmosphere, and even better talent management. If you are looking to see a good band on a random night of the week Rooster's is where you want to be. They don't call it the Blue's House for nothing.

Best All Around-The Library: I saved this one for last because I believe it truly is a special place that should not only be recognized by the City of Oxford, but by everyone. The Library is truly one of the most well-designed sports bars of all time. When you walk in you are immediately looking at the game you want to watch on 15 different high definition television sets. In the next room, you have a dance floor the size of an small auditorium where the bands and disk jockeys play for hours. Finally you have the enclosed bar outside where you can choose to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air or you have the option to step up onto the balcony where you can view the entire Square. Unfortunately if you do decided to visit be aware it is by no means cheap. Cover charges range from 10 to 20 dollars depending on the day of the week, but in the long run, you can never put a price on a good time.